Graphic Design
Started graphic design work in 2005, I have designed numerous books, newsletters, pamphlets, posters, postcards, Tshirt, and posts for social media.
Partly because of my photographer aunt, Hseng Noung Lintner, who inspired me to pursue photography, I started out doing a lot of street/life photos. Not until recently did I explore portrait photography. A photojournalism class I took last spring and huge encouragement from a talented photographer, Güzel Tuhbatullina, gave me the bravery to explore it.
I remember having a talent for drawing when I was very young. As a result of the political situation affecting the education system and country’s economy, my family moved to Thailand where I could not continue formal education. The drawing and painting were left behind with the 10-year old me. Still having the love of art as I grew older, illustration became a tool for me to produce some art work. Here are some of the illustration portraits
I created.